Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jobs in Indian Army

Indian Army

10+2 Technical Entry Scheme course-25 Commencing from July 2011

Applications are invited from unmarried male who have passed 10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects and fulfill the eligibility conditions for the grant of Permanent Commission in the Indian Army.

* Posts : 85 posts
* Qualification : 10+2 (PCM) with 70% marks.
* Age : 16 and half to 19 and half years i.e. born between 01 January 1992 and and 01 January 1995 (both days inclusive)
* Physical Standard: min. height 152 cm and weight 42 kg., better eye 6/6 and worst eye 6/18
* Type of Commission : On susccessful completion of 4 years of the course cadets will be granted Permanent Commission in the Army in the rank of Lt. in Arms/Services as per discretion of Army Hq.
* Pay Scale : Candidates will be entitled to pay sclae of Rs.15600-39100 plus Grade Pay Rs.5400 plus MSP Rs.6000 and other allowances.

General Instructions
1. Candidates applying for 10+2 TES/UES/JAG/SSCW (T)/SSC(T)/NCC SPECIAL ENTRY/TGC may down load the application form from the Indian Army Website Before filling up the application form candidate should carefully read the respective advertisement.
2. The Application Form must be filled in by the candidates in their own handwriting with blue or black ink.
3. Candidate should write the Course Ser No. as mentioned in the respective advertisement of Employment News.
4. Candidate should affix a self attested passport size photograph.
5. Entries in the boxes will be treated as authentic and final therefore, candidate should make these entries very carefully and accurately.
6. No change in the entries made in original application will be allowed under any circumstances.
7. The candidates are advised in their own interest to ensure that the applications reach ADG Recruiting, AG’s Branch Integrated HQ of Ministry of Defence (Army), West Block-III, RK Puram, New Delhi-110066 on or before the closing dates for the respective entries. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. For UES entry, the applications should be addressed to respective Command HQrs (Refer advertisement for UES Entry as published in Employment News).
Instructions for filling up the Application Form
Column 1: Put √ in the respective column of Entry for which the candidate is applying. (Only one choice is applicable
except UES applicants). UES Entry applicants should enter their order of preference (1, 2, 3) of entries (UES, TGC,
SSC(T)) .
Column 2 & 3: Put √ in the respective box.
Column 4: Write the code number in the Box.
Column 5: For office use only
Column 6 (a): Write in the boxes your full name in CAPITAL LETTERS as recorded in your Matric certificate (Leave a box blank between two parts of the name).
Column 6(b): Write your father’s Name in CAPITAL LETTERS (Leave a box blank between two parts of the name).
Column 7: Date of Birth in the format DDMMYYYY (As in Matric Certificate. Attach duly attested copy of Date of Birth
Certificate, Matric Certificate as proof of Date of Birth).
Column 8: Write the code number in the Box. Refer advertisement of the respective COURSE (Attach attested copy of
acquired Educational Qualification).
Column 9: Write the correct code number in the box
Column 10: The candidate should write the number of attempts they already made in SSB centre wise.
Column 11: Write exact percentage of 10+2 (PCM) inclusive of practical marks in the box. No rounding off is permitted.
Percentage has to be to the nearest decimal. Write the correct code number for the Education Board from which the candidate had passed 10+2 exam. Write exact percentage obtained at the top of the covering envelope.
Column 12: UES candidates should mention date of joining engineering college and probable month and year of conduct of Pre-final & Final Year examination. UES candidates should attach a certificate from the VC/Principal/Head of the Engineering College in which they are studying as mentioned in the advertisement.
Column 13: Write aggregate percentage of marks to the nearest decimal also write the code number in the Box.
Column 14: Write the correct code number in the box. (Applicable for Candidates of Army Education Corps & Military
Column 15: (Applicable for NCC Special Entry) (a) Write A or B in the Box (b) Write aggregate percentage of marks obtained
in degree, in nearest decimal place, in the box.
Column 16: Write discipline code number in the Box of your Engineering Branch.
Column 17: Write the correct code number in the box
Column 18: Write your complete present & permanent address with Name in CAPITAL letters.
Column 19: The candidate must put their signature. For TES Entry applicants, Parent’s/Guardian’s signature is required.
NOTE : Application Form for all entries should be submitted in A4 size white paper only. Other wise application would be rejected.

Method of Selection: Only selected (shortlisted) candidates will be called for Service Selection Board (SSB) interview at Allahabad, Bhopal and Bangalore for fivesselection process. In which candidates will be put through Psychological test, Group Test and Interview.
How to Apply: Applicaiton Forms in accordance with the prescribed format attested by a Gazetted Officer of the Central/State Govt./1st Class Magistrate etc., colour paper and complete in all respects with superscription on the envelope " APPLICAITON FOR 10+2 (TES) COURSE SER. NO. 25, JULY 2011" is to be sent to the following address to reach by 30th October, 2010 by registered post.

Integrated HQ of MOD (Army), Adjutant General's Branch, Addl. Dte Gen of Rtg., West Block-3, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 900108 C/o 56 A.P.O. on or before 30/10/2010.

Further detail regarding this entry scheme can be seen at (in Permanent Commission).
Details are also available at

OR Kindly click on the image to view/download the details and application format.

Application form is available at

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