Monday, June 7, 2010

Senior Research Officer jobs in Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, TRAI, Mahanagar Doorsanchar Bhavan, J.L. Nehru Marg (Old Minto Road) Next to Zakir Hussain College, New Delhi – 110002, VACANCY NOTICE NO. 1-2/2010-A&P (III).

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, TRAl’s mission is to create and nurture conditions for the growth of telecommunication including broadcasting and cable services in the country in a manner and at a pace which will enable India to playa leading role in the emerging global information society. The goals and objectives of TRAI are focused towards providing a regulatory regime that facilitates achievement of the objectives of the Telecom Policy of Govt. of India. Invites application to fill up the Senior Research Officer vacant posts :

Senior Research Officer :
No of Post : 14
posts, Deputation from Ministries and Departments of Central Government/Public Sector UndertakinQs/Statutory and Autonomous Bodies for Two years.
Essential Qualification & Experience : work experience required and duties to be performed for each post is indicated in the enclosed Annexure.
Scale of Pay : PB 3 RS, 15600 to 39100 + GP RS. 6600/- per month. Allowances such as DA, HRA, etc. as per Govt. Rules.
Age Limit : The candidate should be preferably in the age group of 35-45 years as on 01.7.2010.

How to apply for above post :
The application should be sent in an envelope super-scribingthe post applied for so as to reach the Senior Research Officer (A&P), Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, Mahanagar Doorsanchar Bhavan,Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, (Old Minto Road), Next to Zakir Hussain College, New Delhi – 110002 on or before 01.7.2010.

Last Date of Application Submission : 01.7.2010.

Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits :

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